Trial lawyer, in practice for 46 years (since 1973), practicing in the areas of criminal law and traffic defense.
Elected Fayette County Judge Executive, 2011 – 2014; defeated a 30-year incumbent.
As Judge Executive, became knowledgeable as a Transportation Planner, working as a member of the Metropolitan Planning Organization (Fayette and Jessamine Counties), for the I-75/Nicholasville Bypass Connector Committee, and of the Bluegrass Area Administrative District (Member, Tourism and Environmental Committees) and as a member of the Kentucky Association of Counties.
Initiator of and Mentor in the Fayette County Veterans’ Treatment Court, created in 2013 thru the Administrative Office of the Courts.
2015 candidate, Treasurer of Kentucky.
2014 candidate, Lexington Fayette Urban County Government, Council-at-Large.
First full-time Fayette County Public Defender, 1975-1984.
United States Army veteran, 1968 – 1974.
Advocate for smaller, more efficient government, reduced numbers in jail and prison, shorter prison sentences, more drug and alcohol rehab, regional governmental planning, comprehensive immigration reform and civil rights.
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Example Cases:
- DUI/Drunk Driving
- Drug Charges
- Felonies
- Misdemeanors
- Weapons Charges
- and more
I hope you never have to come to the courts where I practice but if you do, Experience Counts. Please call me!
(859) 255-1001